Oh. Hello!

Welcome to my personal site, glad to have you here.

I've got a couple things up here already, and I'm planning to work on this site a lot more. I don't wanna use the word "done" yet, I like the concept of a long-time site project too much. If you will, I'll just give you the tour. If you want something to look at, you might want to look at the gallery page. That's where I keep my art. If you want to know who is saying all of this stuff, check out my about page.

If you're out of music to listen to, I've got a couple of music recommendations over on the... Music page. Ye-heah. If you're out of fun things to look at here, take a look at the links page! That's where I keep track of the sites I like, as well as my Discord. Go say hello if you want! I keep all of that stuff on the left. Over there.

Yeeup. Right there, bud. ANYWAYS, this is just a personal site that I plan on prettying up when I have the time to. Patience, please. By the way. I'm Moph.

It's nice to see you.